
Recent Delta Posts

Infrastructure Association of Queensland - Poster

Reconciliation and First Nations

Delta continues to grow its cultural awareness and develop a meaningful strategy and action plan for its First Nations engagement. Fittingly, our recent cultural awareness strategy session aligned with Reconciliation Week.

Beside the talented Alexander Ibarra we learnt about the history of our city office location and the key elements of cross-cultural communication to improve our understanding of engagement levels and possible pathways to make a positive impact.

So, what's next for Delta? 

Our First Nations ‘commitment statement’ will guide us to collectively take action to break down the barriers of the past and to build a brighter, more diverse, more inclusive and equitable future for our tribe and stakeholders.

Local Benefits

For the Communities We Work In

Delta’s Local Benefits commitment includes supporting the government’s buy local initiatives to build a better State by proactively applying our knowledge and understanding of the Government procurement strategy and the procurement policy into our daily operations and work with our clients.

Local Benefit Initiatives

We ensure that our local benefit commitments translate into meaningful outcomes. This exemplifies our culture at Delta and reveals an approach that we replicate in our advisory services.

Delta and our valued client joined forces for an inspiring initiative – participating in our Clean Up Australia Day local benefits initiative to assist in the journey to Net Zero and a better local environment where our projects are located!

Teaming up for an afternoon of community service, we collectively rolled up our sleeves to make a difference in our local community. From tidying up littered areas, to promoting sustainability, every action counts towards a cleaner and more abundant future. The sense of purpose among the team made it a wonderful experience for all.

A client representative said “It was a great afternoon getting to know each other outside of work whilst also contributing to the community”.

A huge thank you to everyone who gave their time and effort to make this initiative successful.

Niki and Luke
Delta Infrastructure Advisory Team in a Local Benefit Project

Making a Daily Impact

In our daily operations, members of our team are engaged in formal and informal mentoring to develop the future pipeline of infrastructure industry leaders. Our ongoing contribution to the local communities consists of industry groups (Infrastructure Association of Queensland (IAQ) and IAQ Connect, Engineers Australia (Transport Australia Society, Women in Transport Working Group and Indigenous Engineers Working Group), local charities (WIRES – Wildlife Rescue, RSPCA Queensland, Fathers of Girls (FoGs), Cancer Council), and local sporting clubs.

Our daily operations are guided by the principles of the Ethical Suppliers Threshold and the Ethical Supplier Mandate to ensure that we are a business that is ethically, environmentally, and socially responsible – 100% of our suppliers are based in the greater-Brisbane area.

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